Elizabeth “Zabe” Holloway

Board Member

Elizabeth Holloway is an award-winning filmmaker with over twenty years of experience in the Video Production field.

After graduating from film school in Denver, Colorado in 2007, she started her career in commercial advertising for Ford Motor Company. In 2010, she began filming and editing feature-length documentaries for the PeaceJam Foundation's Nobel Legacy Film Series, which highlights the stories of Nobel Peace Prize laureates from around the globe. Notable titles in the series include The Dalai Lama- Scientist, Desmond Tutu: Children of the Light, and Rigoberta Menchu: Daughter of the Maya. In addition to the NLFS, Elizabeth worked on marketing for the foundation’s Billion Acts Campaign which was launched in partnership with Google in 2015. During that time she designed a billboard displayed in Time Square and assisted with coordinating events, including a livestream event with Anderson Cooper, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and The Dalai Lama in remembrance of Nelson Mandela.

Elizabeth has also worked on a variety of other videos, both feature-length movies as well as thousands of short format videos, including several web series. She has produced a monthly networking video event in Denver, hosted a public tv show, filmed live events, and participated in many 48-hour film festivals.

In 2020, she relocated to the Colorado/New Mexico border and founded her own company Holloway Video LLC with the goal of creating engaging videos in the area and developing the region into a film hub. Since then she’s worked alongside ERMW and other organizations in the region to realize this goal.


William Elder


Ann Theis