Film Locations
in Colfax County, NM & the surrounding areas
Colfax County Courthouse Building
The Colfax County Courthouse is a building listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Kearny School
Future home to El Raton Media Works. Great location for a classroom drama or classic horror film.
Raton Power Plant
This amazing power plant is meticulously maintained, very large in size, and a delightful place to film.
Gate City Sports Complex
Several parks for playing, picnicking, and enjoying the outdoors.
Convention Center
Raton’s Convention Center is large and fits the needs for big productions.
Raton Municipal Airport
Raton Municipal Airport is 12 miles southwest of Raton and has epic views of the region.
New Mexico Environment Department
This location would make a cool set for a retro office scene.
Raton Regional Aquatic Center
The Raton Regional Aquatic Center is a state of the art aquatic facility located in the heart of Roundhouse Memorial Park in downtown Raton.