Film Locations
in Colfax County, NM & the surrounding areas
Historic Raton, New Mexico
The Original Townsite Historic District in Raton, Colfax County spans 120 acres and is a versatile filming location.
Historic Maxwell, New Mexico
Maxwell, New Mexico has views, open fields, industrial buildings, and open unobstructed landscapes for your next video project.
Historic Cimarron, New Mexico
Historic Cimarron has a quaint main street, beautiful grasslands, and mountain views.
Historic Springer, New Mexico
The county seat of Colfax County from 1882—1897, Springer keeps a Courthouse as a museum and has many other beautiful relics from the past.
Horror & Sci Fi Locations
Colfax County is the perfect film location for Horror & Sci-Fi films.
Historic Angel Fire, New Mexico
A popular ski resort destination with over 500 acres of slopes, great for seasonal filming.
Historic Trinidad, CO
Historic Trinidad, Colorado is just north over the border from Raton. This quaint neighbor city is home to many historical buildings, state parks, and a creative culture.